Summer Shorts Festival, Phoenixville, PA (2016)
Cincinnati Jewish & Israeli Film Festival (2013)
Buffalo International Jewish Film Festival (2011)
Sonoma County Jewish Film Festival (2009)
Baton Rouge Jewish Film Festival (2009)
Reno Jewish Film Festival (2007)
San Diego Jewish Film Festival (2005)
Brooklyn Jewish Film Festival (2005)
Columbus Jewish Film Festival (2006)
Rhode Island International Film Festival (2002)
Hollywood Film Festival (2002)
Los Angeles International Shorts Festival (2002)
Miami Jewish Film Festival (2002)
After five years in a loveless marriage, Jeffrey Goldman (John Pankow) and his wife Ellen (Rebecca Pidgeon), have reached a crossroads. She would like to salvage their relationship by having a child, and he would like to end it with a nice clean divorce. When she refuses, Jeffrey must resort to other means.
He hears of a famous Rabbi (Eli Wallach), a legendary miracle worker. Goldman meets with him to request a curse on his wife, so that she die. The shocked Rabbi refuses Goldman's request, then offers the puzzling information that according to Jewish teaching, if one makes an unfulfilled vow his wife will die.
Newly empowered, Goldman makes a huge pledge to a small local synagogue, promptly reneges and waits for the curse to take effect. What happens next sets in motion a chain of unexpected events.
"Breezy and pointed, Advice and Dissent is as magical and pixyish as Wallach's little smile. Filmed in Cambridge, Mass., this tale is a delightful surprise."
- Michael Janusonis, Providence Journal
Full review from the Providence Journal
Home Use DVD:
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Classroom/Library Use DVD: $95
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Advice and Dissent
USA, 2002, 21 minutes
Directed by Leib CohenPublic Exhibition Formats: 35mm, Beta, DVD