This chilling, vitally important documentary was produced to mark the fortieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz Concentration Camp. The film contains unedited, previously-unavailable footage of Auschwitz shot by the Soviet military forces between January 27 and February 28, 1945 and includes an interview with Alexander Voronsov, the cameraman who shot the footage.
The horrifying images include: survivors; camp visit by Soviet investigation commission; criminal experiments; forced laborers; evacuation of ill and weak prisoners with the aid of Russian and Polish volunteers; aerial photos of the IG Farben Works in Monowitz; and pictures of local people cleaning up the camp under Soviet supervision.
"a stark, shocking and unflinching testament the film stands as a powerful tool in efforts to never let the world forget what happened under Nazi rule." - Variety
Liberation of Auschwitz 1945
Die Befreiung von AuschwitzWest Germany, 1985, 55 minutes, B&W
English and German with English subtitles
Directed by Irmgard von zur MuhlenPublic Exhibition 35mm, 16mm Rental available