Adapted from the Irwin Shaw novel by Oscar-winning screenwriter Edward Anhalt, The Young Lions (starring Montgomery Clift, Dean Martin, and Marlon Brando) is a study of war and antisemitism both in America and abroad. On the eve of WWII, Noah, a young Jew, meets Hope (Hope Lange), a non-Jew, and they fall in love. While her family struggles to get used to the idea that Noah is a Jew, Noah enters the army and experiences brutal antisemitism in his company. The war continues and Noah and his company are sent to Germany where he faces combat and the realization of the Holocaust when the army liberates concentration camps. Brando plays the disillusioned German soldier who is a man of good conscience deceived by Nazi propaganda.
The National Center For Jewish Film
Brandeis University, Lown 102, MS053, Waltham MA 02454
P: (781) 899 7044, F: (781) 736 2070
The Young Lions
USA, 1958, 167 minutes, B&W
Directed by Edward DmytrykPublic Exhibition 16mm Rental available